To provide accommodation and a living environment that meets the basic needs of vulnerable migrant families.
to enable them to thrive in their parental role, participate in a support network, and facilitate their integration into their new host community with dignity.

Key values we hold

Origins of Foyer du monde
Foyer du monde was founded in February 2017 by the Dominican family, who wanted to respond to the urgent needs of justice and hospitality for displaced refugee populations. Thanks to the financial, logistical, and volunteer contributions of the Dominican brothers, sisters, and laypeople, the organization was born. The first families were housed in May 2017.
In 2019, the organization became the building’s owner, thanks to the generous donation from the Dominican Sisters of the Trinity. Since then, a team of professionals and volunteers has joined the project, making Foyer du Monde a reference in housing for migrant families with precarious status.
Our team
View Team
View Board of Directors

Christine Husson
Clinical supervisor

Gabriel Leblond
Social worker

Nina Djavanmard-Haghi
Intake worker

Pamela Ngoga
Operations and Partnerships Coordinator

Maude Gagnon-Boisvert

Marie Richard-Vélard
Volunteer and Communications manager

Eva Gracia-Turgeon
General Director

Tazime Akbaraly

Céline De Grandpré
Volunteer in charge of the thrift store

Suzanne Maxheleau
Art Therapist

Kevin Marin
Building Manager
Our volunteers